Our London VitalGuide is HERE!! — Well + Away

The VitalGuide to the Internet is HERE!

Our London VitalGuide is HERE!!

Hello from Los Angeles

Our London VitalGuide is HERE!!

Hope you’re ready to dive into the best guidebook to London. Even if you don’t currently have a visit planned, it’s time to book one. Because a. Susan Miller is saying this fall is a great time to travel internationally and b. THIS GUIDE IS SO GOOD IT’S WORTH PLANNING A TRIP AROUND.

This London guidebook is the first of our series to be curated by a local wellness tastemaker. And London City Curator Emily Warburton-Adams has now set the bar so, so high. The woman radiates optimism and enthusiasm for physical and mental well-being and has tried every healthy bite and boutique fitness class in town. She is equal parts health and style and is basically our dream curator. I feel so lucky to get to share this guide with you.

Even though I’ve spent our fair share of time in London, reading through Emily’s guide made the city seem completely new. I’m heading on a family trip to the UK this holiday season, and you bet I gave a copy to every person coming with to help steer where to eat, stay and escape into the English countryside. I hope you love it as much as Emily and I do, and please tell us what you think and how you’re using your guide by tagging us at @wellandaway and Emily at @english_ems.


PS: Emily and I have never met irl. We only know each other digitally. I interviewed her a little bit over text to get her thoughts on the launch and try to get some scoop on her process. Seeing as we communicate almost exclusively via some form of SMS, I thought it would be fun to share that here as a peek into how she curated the London VitalGuide and her top picks.


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